31 weeks & 2 days. Getting close.

We haven’t posted much here because the last month has been pretty tough. Tanya was in the hospital at 28 weeks for 4 days. She was admitted again a week ago and will be there until the twins are born.

Tanya’s sister Sue and my Mom came out to help. It was absolutely amazing to have their help to get through this. We can’t thank them enough. (Thanks!)

Lots of people have been calling, but we haven’t been able to talk with everyone. Sorry, it’s crazy busy. It’s tough to keep up with even immediate family and our closest friends. Here’s the latest.

Tanya still has two buns in the oven. The last couple days (and today especially) have been very tough on her. We’ve been in the “maybe tomorrow” boat for a few days. Another round of test results should be here tomorrow morning. For at least the next 8-10 hours, the plan is to keep the kids in there.

Our perinatologist (high-risk OB) told us today that we won’t be going past next Monday or Tuesday. That’ll put the kids at 32 weeks. That’s about a month early for “normal” twins, but far enough along that they’ll be past most of the risks for long-term health issues.

Tanya’s had 2 rounds of the steroid shots, so the kids’ lungs should be ready to go. They’ll definitely be in the NICU for a while though. We’re at the best hospital in Las Vegas and there’s a great Level 3 NICU just down the hallway.

Tanya fought a migraine most of the afternoon, but just fell asleep. She has to go back on the contraction & heartbeat monitor at 2am. Hopefully she’ll get lots of sleep before & after that.

We’re not sure, but we may have kids here as early as tomorrow. If so, they’ll be just over 31 weeks and probably somewhere in the 3 to 3.5 lbs range. Hopefully things will go well enough for them to stay in until next week.

More as we know it.

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