Author name: bryan


Each night I tuck the kids in to bed I ask each one what was their favorite thing that day. Today, after asking that, I asked another question. Me (Bryan): “What’s your favorite thing to do?” Sophia: “Cuddling with my stuffed animals and loving on them.” Cameron: “Making stuff.”

Twins Rock Concert

Ok, I really need to get some work done on my masters degree today, but I can’t.  The twins are just too cute. “Rock Concert” is a little bit of an exaggeration, but here’s Cameron on the harmonica with Sophia on the guitar.  Sophia’s face when she’s strumming the guitar…I can’t stop watching this. I …

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Sophia’s First Pony Tail

It took 2 years, 3 months and 5 days, but Sophia is now wearing her first pony tail!  Tanya put Sophia’s hair in a pony tail last night while Cameron and I were reading a book before bed.  Sophia walked in sporting her pony tail and I’m pretty sure I almost died.  So cute.

Lunch Time

Over the last couple months, the twins have really increased the amount of pretending they do when they play. It’s so fun to see.Today they’re making lunch!


We have piles of photos of the twins, but haven’t been posting much.  Here are a few of Sophia from yesterday.  

Wuuvvv Youuuuu!

  The twins are learning things so fast, I can’t keep up.  They’re both picking up words (or parts of words) just about every time you say something (really, it’s maybe one new “word” a day).  Today Tanya told Cameron she was giving him some cookies (animal crackers) and Cameron said “oookie!”  The cutest, most …

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